Does Bleach Kill co*ckroaches? 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Roaches with Bleach (2024)

co*ckroaches are some of the most disgusting pests that you can find in your home. Not only are they unsightly, but they can also carry diseases that can make you and your family sick.

If you have a co*ckroach infestation, it is important to take action right away. One of the best ways to get rid of co*ckroaches is by using bleach.

In this blog post, we will teach you how to kill co*ckroaches with bleach so that you can get them out of your home for good!

In this article

What is bleach?

Does Bleach Kill co*ckroaches? 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Roaches with Bleach (2)

The word “bleach” is derived from the Old English word blæcan, which means “to whiten.” Bleach is a chemical compound that is used to remove color from fabric or hair. It can also be used to disinfect surfaces and kill bacteria. Bleach is usually made from chlorine, but it can also be made from other chemicals.

When bleach is mixed with water, it forms a solution that can be used to remove stains or dirt from fabric. Bleach can also be used to disinfect surfaces by killing bacteria and viruses. Bleach is a powerful chemical and should be used with caution. If it comes into contact with skin, it can cause irritation or burns. When using bleach, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Does bleach kill co*ckroaches?

Yes, bleach can be an effective way to kill co*ckroaches. However, it is important to use caution when using bleach around your home. Bleach can be harmful to humans and pets if not used properly.

When using bleach to kill co*ckroaches, be sure to wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from the fumes. Also, be sure to ventilate the area well and avoid contact with skin and eyes.

How long does it take for bleach to kill a co*ckroach?

This is a question that many people ask when they are trying to get rid of these pests. The answer may surprise you, but it only takes a few seconds for bleach to kill a co*ckroach. This is because bleach is a powerful disinfectant and insecticide that can quickly kill these pests.

If you have never used bleach before, you may be wondering how to use it safely. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the area where you will be using bleach is well ventilated. This is because bleach can release harmful fumes that can be dangerous to breathe in.

Once you have found a safe place to use bleach, you need to mix it with water. The ratio of bleach to water will depend on the brand of bleach that you are using. However, a common ratio is one part bleach to ten parts water.

Once you have mixed the bleach and water, you need to pour it into a spray bottle. Then, simply spray the mixture onto any co*ckroaches that you see. The co*ckroaches will be killed instantly.

It is important to remember that bleach can be harmful to humans if it is not used properly. Therefore, you should always read the label of the bleach that you are using before using it. If you have any questions about how to use bleach safely, you should contact a professional pest control company.

Does bleach kill co*ckroach eggs?

The simple answer is yes. Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can kill co*ckroach eggs. However, it is important to use bleach properly in order to avoid harming yourself or your home.

Does bleach kill roaches on contact?

Yes, bleach can kill roaches on contact. However, it is important to note that bleach should only be used as a last resort and when all other methods have failed. Bleach is a very powerful chemical and should be used with caution. If you decide to use bleach to kill roaches, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and take all necessary safety precautions.

Do not use bleach if you have small children or pets in your home as it can be very dangerous to them. If used correctly, bleach can be an effective way to kill roaches on contact.

Does bleach attract bugs?

Yes, it does. Bleach is a chemical that bugs are attracted to. They are drawn to the smell and the taste of the bleach. Bugs will feed on the bleached area and then spread the chemicals to other parts of their body.

This can kill them or make them sick. If you have a bug problem, using bleach is not the best solution. There are other ways to get rid of bugs that are more effective and safer for your family.

Will bleach kill bugs in wood?

This is a question that we often get asked, and the answer is yes, bleach can kill bugs in wood. However, it is important to note that bleach will only kill the bugs that are currently living in the wood. It will not prevent new bugs from infesting the wood.

To prevent new bugs from infesting your wood, you will need to use a sealant or insecticide. You can find these at your local hardware store. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of our experts for help.

Does bleach keep bugs away?

There is no simple answer to this question. Some people swear by using bleach to keep bugs away, while others find that it does nothing to deter pests.

It is possible that the effectiveness of bleach as a bug repellent depends on the type of bug you are trying to keep away. For example, bleach might be effective at keeping ants away, but it might not do anything to keep mosquitoes at bay.

If you are considering using bleach as a bug repellent, it is important to exercise caution. Bleach is a toxic substance and should be used with care. Be sure to keep bleach away from children and pets, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Why do roaches not like bleach?

There are a few reasons why roaches might not enjoy being in close proximity to bleach. For one, the fumes can be irritating to their delicate sensors. Additionally, the high concentration of bleach can cause dehydration and damage their exoskeletons.

Finally, the strong smell of bleach can mask other scents that roaches use to navigate their environments, leading them to feel disoriented. In general, it’s best to avoid using bleach around roaches if possible.

5 ways to kill co*ckroaches with bleach

If you have a co*ckroach problem, bleach is one way to get rid of them. Here are five ways to kill co*ckroaches with bleach:

1. Spraying co*ckroaches with bleach

Does Bleach Kill co*ckroaches? 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Roaches with Bleach (3)

This is an effective way to kill them. The bleach will kill the co*ckroaches instantly. You can also use a spray bottle to apply the bleach to the co*ckroaches. Make sure to wear gloves when handling bleach.

Bleach is a poisonous substance and should be used with caution. If you have young children, make sure they are not in the room when you are spraying the co*ckroaches with bleach.

Step by step:

– To kill co*ckroaches with bleach, you will need:

– A spray bottle


– Gloves

– Water

Here’s how to do it:

  • Step 1: Fill the spray bottle with a bleach and water solution. The ratio of bleach to water should be about one part bleach to ten parts water.
  • Step 2: Put on gloves to protect your hands from the bleach.
  • Step 3: Find co*ckroaches in your home and spray them with the bleach solution. The co*ckroaches will die instantly.
  • Step 4: Clean up any dead co*ckroaches and dispose of them properly.

2. Soak co*ckroaches in a bowl of bleach water.

The water should be deep enough to cover the co*ckroach completely. Leave the bowl in a place where the co*ckroach will find it, and wait for it to crawl in.

Once the co*ckroach is inside, it will drown. Dispose of the co*ckroach and bowl of water immediately after killing the co*ckroach. Do not leave bleach around your home as it can be harmful to humans and pets.

3. Pour bleach down co*ckroaches’ holes.

You will need to find where the co*ckroaches are living and breeding. This is usually in cracks and crevices in walls, or behind appliances. Once you have found their hiding spots, pour a generous amount of bleach down the hole. The bleach will kill the co*ckroaches and their eggs.

You should do this treatment every few months to keep the co*ckroach population under control.

4. Mix bleach with boric acid to make a deadly poison for co*ckroaches.

The boric acid will kill the co*ckroaches on contact, while the bleach will prevent them from coming back. Be sure to keep this mixture out of reach of children and pets. Apply it around your home where co*ckroaches are likely to enter, such as cracks in walls or around drains. Reapply as needed to keep co*ckroaches away for good.

Step by step using bleach with boric acid:

First, find a container that you don’t mind getting dirty. Next, mix one part bleach with ten parts boric acid.

The ratio doesn’t have to be exact, but this is a good starting point. Once the two ingredients are mixed together, put the mixture into the container and seal it tightly. Finally, place the container in an area where co*ckroaches are commonly found. The co*ckroaches will be attracted to the mixture and will die after ingesting it.

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can kill many different types of pests, including co*ckroaches. When mixed with boric acid, bleach creates a deadly poison that is effective at killing co*ckroaches. Follow the steps above to create your own co*ckroach-killing mixture using bleach and boric acid.

*Note: Be sure to keep this mixture out of reach of children and pets, as it can be harmful to them if ingested.*

5. Use a bleaching solution as a preventative measure to keep co*ckroaches away.

co*ckroaches are one of the most resilient pests, able to survive in even the most hostile environments. But while they may be tough, co*ckroaches are no match for bleach.

A bleaching solution is a simple and effective way to kill co*ckroaches, as well as prevent them from returning.

To use a bleaching solution as a co*ckroach killer, simply mix one part bleach with one part water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it to any areas where you think co*ckroaches may be present.

This includes cracks and crevices in walls and floors, around baseboards, and in cabinets. The bleaching solution will kill any co*ckroaches that come into contact with it, as well as discourage others from returning.

For best results, apply the bleaching solution once a week. This will help to ensure that any co*ckroaches that do manage to get into your home are quickly killed before they have a chance to reproduce. In addition, be sure to keep your home clean and free of food debris, as this will provide an additional incentive for co*ckroaches to stay away.

With a little bit of effort, you can keep your home co*ckroach-free using nothing more than a bleaching solution. So don’t wait – get started today!

Related: How to Get Rid of co*ckroaches and Keep Them Away

How can you stay safe with bleach?

There are a few things to keep in mind when using bleach as a co*ckroach killer.

Use gloves and eye protection.

Avoid getting bleach on your skin or in your eyes. If you do get bleach on your skin, rinse it off immediately with water. You should also avoid breathing in the fumes from bleach.

If you are using a spray bottle to apply the bleach, make sure to keep it away from your face. You should also open windows and doors to let in fresh air while you’re using bleach.

Avoid Ingestion of bleach.

If you must use bleach to kill co*ckroaches, take care to avoid ingestion of the chemical. Ingesting bleach can cause serious health problems, including death. If you have any concerns about your safety, please consult a medical professional.

Avoid Inhalation of bleach.

co*ckroaches can be killed with bleach, but it is important to avoid inhaling the fumes. If you use bleach to kill co*ckroaches, be sure to open windows and doors to ventilate the area.

By following these simple precautions, you can safely use bleach to kill co*ckroaches without putting yourself or your family at risk.


So, does bleach kill co*ckroaches? Yes, it can be an effective way to get rid of these pests. However, it’s important to use caution when using this chemical and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Additionally, there are other methods that may be more effective for getting rid of co*ckroaches, so you may want to consider those options as well. Thanks for reading!

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Does Bleach Kill co*ckroaches? 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Roaches with Bleach (2024)


Does Bleach Kill co*ckroaches? 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Roaches with Bleach? ›

Unfortunately, bleach is a very ineffective method for killing co*ckroaches. It has a very strong smell, so it doesn't work as bait, and co*ckroaches won't willingly go to it. The only real way to kill a roach with bleach is to drown it, and there are much more effective ways of killing co*ckroaches.

Can you kill roaches with bleach? ›

Bleach can kill roaches on contact. However, pouring it down a drain can potentially release toxic fumes, and cause long-term damage to your system. While the use of bleach may help with a co*ckroach problem, because of its toxic nature it should never be poured down a drain or toilet.

How do roaches feel about bleach? ›

Household bleach is commonly used as a cleaning agent and gives off a strong smell that co*ckroaches hate. Filth and cleanliness don't mix at all, which makes the physical act of killing co*ckroaches with bleach very hard.

What is the number one way to kill roaches? ›

Boric acid: Used correctly, boric acid is one of the most effective roach killers. It's odorless, has low toxicity to pets, and since it isn't repellent to roaches, they will not seek to avoid it, crawling through it repeatedly until it kills them.

What smell kills roaches instantly? ›

Boric acid Some people find this to be the best option to kill roaches. Boric acid can work too, the only downside is that sometimes roaches will go away as soon as they smell boric acid.

Does Lysol bleach kill roaches? ›

Yes, Lysol does kill roaches! It does this by suffocating them. Roaches breathe through openings on their back called spiracles. The Lysol penetrates the spiracles, causing them to choke and die.

What smells keep roaches away? ›

You may love the smell of fresh citrus, but co*ckroaches hate the scent. That means you can use citrus scented cleaners in your kitchen and bathroom to chase any lingering roaches away. You can also keep a few citrus peels around your home in strategic places.

What smell do roaches hate? ›

Smells that roaches hate: a quickfire summary

Oregano, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, lemongrass and catnip are great herby options. Citrus oils work brilliantly too. And surprisingly, lower concentrations – 2.5 parts per hundred – seem to work best as deterrents.

What kills roaches 100%? ›

Boric acid can quickly kick a roach infestation to the curb. It's extremely toxic and can kill multiple generations of roaches. Mix a combination of equal parts of boric acid, sugar and water to make a dough. Roll that dough into balls or cylinders and place them where roaches will find them.

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The best way to get rid of roaches fast is to sanitize your home, eliminate hiding spots and stagnant water, store food in airtight containers, and use glue strips, bait, boric acid, or liquid concentrates.

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The best roach killer, based on our research, is the advion 383920 co*ckroach Gel Bait; a commercial-grade roach killer set that is easy to use and lasts months after application. It can kill all sorts of co*ckroaches, including the American and German variety, and it's even safe to use if you have pets or kids.

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Studies have found a boric acid and sugar combination to be a very effective killer of roaches, but more readily available is Borax mixed with sugar, which also gets the job done. Simply mix three parts Borax to one part sugar for bait, and be sure to keep your pets out of the vicinity.

What cleaning products keep roaches away? ›

Pine-Sol and Fabuloso are strong, all-purpose household cleaners. Similar to bleach, these products kill roaches on contact. Some homeowners suggest spraying Pine-Sol around the outside of your house to keep co*ckroaches away.

What does baking soda do to roaches? ›

A concoction of baking soda and sugar is an effective co*ckroach killer and controls the multiplication of these pests. Sugar acts as a bait to attract co*ckroaches and the baking soda kills them. You just need to identify their hideouts and sprinkle this mixture in those corners.

Does spraying vinegar keep roaches away? ›

Distilled vinegar does not kill or repel roaches, making it completely ineffective. Distilled vinegar will help keep your kitchen clean, giving co*ckroaches less to snack on. However, roaches can live for months at a time without any food at all, and they will eat almost anything to survive.

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Boric Acid

Boric acid is a popular method for killing co*ckroach infestations. How to get rid of co*ckroaches overnight will always include some kind of insecticide or trap; boric acid is one of the most effective weapons against co*ckroaches.

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Most dryer sheets contain the ingredient linalool, which can be found in plants like lavender, basil, and coriander, all of which naturally repel common garden pests. Similar studies found that this ingredient is also useful for repelling bugs like mites, weevils, beetles, and German co*ckroaches.

Can you kill a roach with Windex? ›

Windex doesn't have enough insecticide properties to physically kill the roaches via chemicals. Instead what happens is that when a co*ckroach if properly covered in Windex, the Windex covers their back, which they breath out of and ends up suffocating them.

How do I disinfect my house from co*ckroaches? ›

Wash hard washable surfaces with cleanser (ammonia and water works well). Dust out of sight spaces with boric acid powder. Dust and seal any cracks and openings closed with caulk. Use roach baits near hiding places like behind pictures and wall hangings, under sinks and undersides of furniture.

Does Pine Sol kill roaches? ›

Pine Sol, like many household cleaners, such as bleach, is capable of killing a co*ckroach on contact. In the pest control world, we call these contact insecticides.

Do roaches not like Windex? ›

For co*ckroaches, window cleaner can make them temporarily unconscious so that you can squash them. This works on initial contact, but Windex will not continue to kill bugs after it has dried.

What smell do roaches love? ›

co*ckroaches are attracted to your home by the smell of food. They are most attracted to starch, sugar, grease, meat, and cheese. Rotting fruits and vegetables can also give off a very pungent smell that will definitely attract these pests.

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5 Natural co*ckroach Repellents
  • Cayenne, Garlic, and Onion Powder. Try heading over to your spice rack to concoct the perfect mixture to ward off the roaches! ...
  • Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is known for its ability to fend off bugs of all kinds. ...
  • Borax and Sugar. ...
  • Diatomaceous Earth (DE) ...
  • Baking Soda.
Oct 11, 2021

Can I spray for roaches everyday? ›

Once the problem is under control and you do not see any more roaches, it is recommended to spray something once every 30 to 60 days inside and outside your home to help keep the problem from coming back. Spraying inside and outside every 30 to 60 days will also keep all other pests out of your home.

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Keep Your Home Clean: co*ckroaches won't be quick to leave if they can find something to eat. Clean up crumbs and spills. Store food in airtight containers. Keep your trash covered and remove it daily.

What animal kills co*ckroaches? ›

co*ckroach predators include mammals, avians, amphibians and other reptiles. For example, hedgehogs will eat roaches. Joining the roach à la mode dinner party are geckos, skinks and other species of lizards, frogs, turtles, some types of birds and even rats and mice.

How long does it take to completely get rid of roaches? ›

Depending on the level of co*ckroach infestation in your home, it can take anywhere from three weeks to six months to eliminate co*ckroaches. Unfortunately, a roach infestation will not go away overnight. You can monitor the progress of your co*ckroach treatment with glue board monitors.

What is the fastest natural roach killer? ›

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another popular way to kill roaches fast without breaking out those big chemicals. The way baking soda works on roaches is kind of macabre: simply leave a dish of baking soda out in an area where you have spotted multiple roaches.

What poison kills roach eggs? ›

Diatomaceous earth is a great choice when it comes to killing co*ckroach eggs. We recommend trying this method when you are sure there is already an ongoing infestation in your house. It's made of marine phytoplankton, which is toxic to roaches and can dehydrate the ootheca.

What is a 3 ingredient roach killer? ›

The most common do-it-yourself (DIY) co*ckroach spray is a mixture of three parts fabric softener and two parts water. While it might come as a surprise, this mixture will kill co*ckroaches.

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This spice can keep creepy co*ckroaches at bay, the strong essence of cinnamon can keep these bugs from climbing up the kitchen slabs and cabinets. Just sprinkle some freshly ground cinnamon powder around the kitchen and keep these roaches from breeding.

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Method: Take equal parts of baking soda and a pinch of sugar in a shallow bowl, then place it near to the co*ckroach-infested areas or in where roaches are usually roaming at your house. The sugar attracts the co*ckroaches while baking soda will kill them.

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So yes, Dawn soap will kill a roach when used correctly and accurately. However, it won't repel or be passed on from roach to roach the way current pesticides will.

What kills roaches faster boric acid or baking soda? ›

Boric acid tops even baking soda when it comes to killing co*ckroaches. With little more than a sprinkle on the floor, boric acid acts as an all-natural poison to take down dirty roaches in just days.

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Good old-fashioned soap and water is a safe, reliable, and inexpensive method. Create a soapy water solution that you can spray with a bottle. It will only take about 2 – 3 sprays to kill any roaches, as the soapy solution will cover their breathing pores and suffocate them.

Can roaches eat baking soda? ›

No, co*ckroaches don't eat baking soda by itself. To these creatures, the taste of it is disgusting. The smell is also repugnant to them. Baking soda is harmful to their bodies both inside and out.

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Bleach: Bleach kills everything! Spraying co*ckroaches with bleach or an ammonia mixture will poison them, but be cautious with this powerful chemical. Borax: Borax is a classic roach killer.

How do I permanently get rid of roaches in my house? ›

The best way to keep co*ckroaches away permanently is to make the home less inviting. Make sure to keep the home clean, clean up food messes, take out trash at the end of the day, seal any cracks or gaps around windows, doors and the foundation, and fix any issue that might lead to high moisture content within the home.

What is the best DIY roach killer? ›

Studies have found a boric acid and sugar combination to be a very effective killer of roaches, but more readily available is Borax mixed with sugar, which also gets the job done. Simply mix three parts Borax to one part sugar for bait, and be sure to keep your pets out of the vicinity.

How do you get rid of roaches before it gets worse? ›

The best way to get rid of roaches fast is to sanitize your home, eliminate hiding spots and stagnant water, store food in airtight containers, and use glue strips, bait, boric acid, or liquid concentrates.

What kills roaches and roach eggs? ›

Diatomaceous earth is a great choice when it comes to killing co*ckroach eggs. We recommend trying this method when you are sure there is already an ongoing infestation in your house. It's made of marine phytoplankton, which is toxic to roaches and can dehydrate the ootheca.

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Thus, sleeping with the light on can keep co*ckroaches away from your bedroom. When you leave your lights on, the co*ckroaches will not even try to come out. Predators are also attracted by the light and will begin to actively hunt down the co*ckroaches when it's bright in the room.

What smells do roaches hate most? ›

Smells that roaches hate: a quickfire summary

Oregano, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, lemongrass and catnip are great herby options. Citrus oils work brilliantly too. And surprisingly, lower concentrations – 2.5 parts per hundred – seem to work best as deterrents.

What are co*ckroaches afraid of? ›

It's a fact that co*ckroaches are afraid of humans and other mammals or animals that are bigger than them. They see us as predators and that fear triggers their instinct to scatter away. However, they dislike strong and distinctive scents such as citrus, peppermint, lavender and vinegar.

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Diatomaceous Earth — Also known as DE, Diatomaceous Earth is a natural insecticide that will dehydrate the co*ckroaches on contact. It sticks to them as they walk through it and will kill them later on by dissolving the exoskeleton. You simply need to sprinkle it in areas of high traffic for best effect.

What keeps roaches away at night? ›

Keep your sleeping quarters free of food and moisture. Reduce clutter. Regularly empty your trash. Make sure all openings to the outside (windows and doors, primarily) are well sealed.


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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.